Both of these artist make it a duty to have Jewellery of some sort. RnB artists tend to have Jewellery in every music video and show/premiere. However in their everyday lives, paparazzi mostly catches them without it but occasionally with. I may or may not follow that conventions of wearing huge Jewelry in a music video. I may not go as big but small.
- Make up
Singers in professional public places always have make up on and when they are living their normal lives, they ay not. Whether their look is to be natural or not, they wear make up to achieve a certain look. They have their eyebrows done, wear eye shadow with eye lashes, lipstick and they contour the face (create features on the face e.g. a sculptured nose and nice cheekbones).
- Bodily Tattoos/ Piercings
Nowadays piercings and tattoos are socially accepted in the meaning that not only females are to get their nose pierced for example. It is comment hat males have it as well. And not only males are to have tattoos. Both are getting them and it is fashion right now. However fashion may change and people (male and female) may change their preference which will be see as acceptable in wider society.
- Material Goods
Even though, different gender artist have different views in what they think is material goods but things like luxury boats, houses, cars, trainers show off the artists wealth to an extent. In all music videos we see extravagant things and luxury things that attract audiences to the artist as they appear to be very rich.
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