This is my 1st draft of my Digipak. I like this because i kept to incorporating my colour theme which was purple. The bottom left panel has a picture of my artist to the side to show of the side of her face and to show of the uniqueness of her. The middle picture is of my artist in a long shot with the space on the left of her where my track list is. The bottom right is my front cover which i think is perfect as i do not want to follow the convention of a close up of the artist face. The top left panel is my bonus video album which are a few videos of the making of the music videos. This special album should attract my target audience as they get to see the artist in her everyday life while shooting her music videos. The middle panel of the main CD is attractive as it is patterned and two different colors so that when the purple patterned CD is taken off the pattern will still be there but in black. I chose to have this pattern as it is different as i haven't seen a CD with any patterns on a RnB CD so far. I made it two colors as it looked too plain in one color and i needed to make the edge of the CD present so it doesn't look flat. The last panel on the top right is completely different to the rest in the sense that the pose she is in is quite weird which makes her likeable and the audience may think she is soft, fun, quirky and serious about her artistry.
These four feedback sheets are what some of the people in my class commented how my Digipak looks so far.

What went well was that they liked the pictures on my Digipak and they liked my colour theme of purple. They suggested that i play around with the contrast of the photos
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